Broken Law – How the Hunting Act has Failed
This is an evidenced-based report connecting documented cases of pursuits and kills of wild mammals with their treatment under the Hunting Act 2004. It highlights the significant issues with the Act and its inability to prevent the hunting of wild mammals.
25 documented case studies of pursuits and kills of wild mammals
Some reached court, some didn’t.
No one was found guilty.
We must now ensure that Labour upholds their promise and remind local MPs that this issue needs to remain high on their agenda.

Fox hunting is illegal.
The majority of people don’t support animal cruelty, so they don’t support the hunts. The hunts pretend they are “trail hunting” to cover up what they are doing, and some people even believe them. They are also masquerading as noble, traditional and worthy organisations. But they are lying. It is our job in AAF to make sure that everyone knows what the hunts are really up to. We reach people outside Social Media by holding street stalls and distributing leaflets. We also run high-profile campaigns.
We ALWAYS welcome new members. It doesn’t matter if you are already involved, or you want to start getting active, we have something you can do.
We are a dynamic and supportive group – and we look after each other.
Everyone in AAF is a volunteer. How much you do is entirely up to you. Even a couple of hours of leafleting is useful. You never know – you might be the one to make all the difference.
For a quick understanding of AAF and how to get involved, have a listen to our short Podcast:-
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Email us: info@actionagainstfoxhunting.org
OR contact us through our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ACTIONAGAINSTFOXHUNTING/